I loved reading your story, although it made me cry. I'm so glad you had those summers with your dad. He taught you a little about sailing and a lot about life. Thank you!

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Thank you, Nancy!

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What a wonderful remembrance.

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Thank you for reading💓

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Thank you so much, Marjie!

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This is just what I needed to read today. A story about a father teaching a daughter how to navigate rough waters. Father and daughter tacking their way back and forth through adversity as they aim for the shore. The wind, the camaraderie, the hard work done in tandem. If we can do it with family members, we're better equipped to do it with the world. It's healing stuff. Thank you!

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Hard work done in tandem is the best kind

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Thank you so much for your lovely words, Katie, and thanks for reading.

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How wonderful that you were eventually able to have those crucial conversations out in the open and repair your relationship after the trauma of your moms death so young. Lovely story.

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Thank you, Amanda!

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There is nothing more beautiful than a reconciled relationship- I never tire of hearing about them. I hate you lost the years you did, but I love that you got those later ones.

His comment to you about knowing you would make a good sailor shows how much he did know about you. Lovely words to hold onto.

Beautifully written, this warmed my heart so much. Thank you for sharing.

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Thank you for reading 💓

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Thank you so much, Harriett, and thank you for reading.

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A lovely read about a rekindled relationship.

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Thank you, Lisa! Here's to our dads!

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