I am new to this Keepthings site, and am just going through some of the stories that I feel drawn to. I love yours. I too love floating on my back in Herring Cove and I collect rocks from the beach. I love how you write about your mom and the sweet little tin of stones and sand that she had kept. It brings back memories of my mother and how she suffered and died alone. I hope one day to have the skills to write about her as you have done here. Sending you good wishes from NYC. ❤️🙏🥲

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I'm so sorry to hear that about your mother, and I hope you'll consider writing about her. Many Keepthings stories come from people who don't consider themselves writers at all. I've helped a lot of people shape what they want to say, and am always happy to do so. So glad you're finding stories here that resonate with you ❤️

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