Brilliant and so heartbreaking. And yet our urgent task, if we're ever to become fully adult, is to see the flawed humans that became our parents as separate people outside of their roles as the imperfect, sometimes wonderful or even terrible caretakers they were. What a generous and engaging essay, beautifully written.

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Thank you for reading 💓

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Donna, thank you for sharing your heart and soul with us. It is never easy to tell the truths of our childhoods. I know it is hard, and I understand about finding parts of your mother in all of your essays, it is that way with my own father. I applaud your bravery, and I am so glad you were able to find sympathy for her. It is difficult and complicated to heal after our parents are gone, but in the end, compassion for ourselves is what matters most.

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Very moving. Thank you for sharing.

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Best an essay can be: honest, beautiful, heartbreaking, and complex. Thank you!

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Wow. I am so sorry for your hurt, and I am sorry for whatever hurt her. Beautifully written, but my heart was sad when I completed it Hugs,

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I’m amazed at how much you gleaned from a simple piece of paper that normally goes into the trash. It opened doors into a better understanding of your mother. Well done. I admire her wedding dress. She looks happy dressed in it.

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Donna!!!!!!!! Wow.

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Thank you for reading 💓

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Wow. There is so much to feel, to understand, to remain curious about in this essay. In fact, it doesn't surprise me at all that Ms. Airoldi keeps writing about her mother. There is so much to pull me into this difficult woman's life...the job at the munitions factory, the burned belongings, the miscarriages... Thanks for the essay. Thanks for writing, Donna (I hope all is well after the mastectomy). And thanks for sharing, Deborah.

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This just came across my Notes feed. HOLY SHIT is this right up my alley. So excited to dig in!

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Just finished reading. Beautiful and vulnerable—thank you for sharing.

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