I love that you have her favorite book. What a neat relationship you two had. Priceless.

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Flipping off the HOA president! Your Nannee is my kind of people.

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Very sweet story. There's something about the particular details you chose to share about your Nannee that reminded me of the complexities and layers of people. Due to circumstances I never had the opportunity to have a relationship with a grandparent. I'm glad your Nannee was there for you. I'm sure you enriched her life as well. And you have honored her with this writing.

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Your grandma sounded wonderful & I understand why you never read the book of hers you treasure. Beautiful essay!

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Your Nannee sounds like quite a character, certainly her own woman. How fortunate you were to have her as a role model. I imagine its hard to have her gone.

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Love a tribute like this!

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I’m so sorry for the loss of your beloved Nannee, Connlyn- thank you for sharing her with us. She sounded like a hoot!

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